Coming into this I was only expecting to pull what I squatted on Monday which was 600. There were several variables that made today's arousal a little more stimulating. First; My wonderful girlfriend and teammate, Julia Ladewski, was in town for the weekend. She, along with several other powerlifters decided to join the deadlift day making it a party. Julia and I were by far the smallest humans in the room as we underweight everyone by minimum 70lbs - 120lbs. Warm-ups felt fantastic for me and the weight kept moving, my hands were the only thing that was worrying me. I wanted to hang with one of the strongman that was lifting who needed to the 3x3: 645. I nailed that goal finishing the day with a 3RM at 635 with is a great projection for me heading into this meet with how the past 8 months have gone.
I will make a side note and mention, a 3RM deadlift done alone on one training day is a TERRIBLE projection on where you are for a meet. You are not fried from 6 previous near max effort attempts and the stress of your other lifts are not on you. I like to tell people, "expect to be able to do 20lbs LESS than what you just pulled, on your 3RM deadlift day, for your third attempt at a meet.