Bench barx10, 95x8, 120x5, 135x3, 160x3-4x4sets, Floor presses closer grip Pause 145x3x4sets, Overhead barbell shoulder presses 5x6, Front raises plate or dbs 4x10-12, Db tricep exts 8x8 15sec rest, rope push downs 3x12-15, Band pull parts 3x25, Rotator cuff cleans 3x15
Conventional deadlift Speed pulls 135x5,185x5, 225x5, pull every 35 to 45 secs 255x1x8sets GHR 4X10, Pull throughs 3x12, Upper back 8sets 10-12
Pause bench wider grip( need pinky finger on the line)140x6x4sets, band pull aparts 3x25, Rotator cuff cleans 3x15 - speed on the decent was the biggest factor for pause bench. I find these challenging because I'm not an explosive lifter. But something Casey told me that was passed on from Donnie is, for those few seconds on the bar pretend you are someone else. For those few seconds, I am an explosive lifter. Fake it till you make it.
Squats bar x10, 95x8, 135x5, 185x5, Belt 225x4x4, Pause squats (1 sec ) 195x3x3, Leg press 3x12, GHR 4X10. PAUSE bench wide grip 135x6x4sets, band pull aparts 3x25, rotator cuff cleans 3x15