I'm currently training for USS "Hope for the Holidays" strongman competition that'll be in St. Louis on December 19th. I'll be competing in the max log clean & press and max deadlift events. I'm also still focusing on adding some size, but strength is my main emphasis. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming. After competing in December my next competition plans will more than likely be USS Nationals or NAS Plat+ next summer.

Nothing too exciting here, just putting in the work. I did love the incline concentration curls though.


A. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down

Setting 13  x 15

Setting 14  x 15

Setting 15 x 15

Setting 15 x 15


B. Blast Strap Rows (I was programmed 1-arm DB rows here, but my lower back was pretty beat up so I opted for these for less stress on it.)

bw x 8

bw x 8

bw x 8

bw x 8, 8, 8 (Similar to a drop-set, I did 8 reps, walked back some to take some of the load off and did 8 reps, then walked about and did another 8.


C. DB 6-Ways

3 sets of 10 w/8# DBs

2 sets of 10 w/10# DBs


D. Standing Barbell Curls (Slow, flex @ the top)

3 sets of 12 @ 75#


E. Incline Concentration Curls

4 sets of 8 w/20# DBs


F. Tate Presses

25# DBs x 12

30# DBs x 12

35# DBs x 12

35# DBs x 12


G. Tricep Pressdowns

3 sets of 20 on setting 10