Still on my fist wave of 5/3/1 bench. I started this program to keep me honest. I don't have any planned comps so I need some type of program to keep me from getting lazy.

Warmup 100 band pull aparts and Lax Ball roll on pecs

Bar x 10
225x5 x2sets

70%x3, 80%x3, 90% x 8 on my max reps set.

Accessory work:
I set up in the power rack like I was doing reverse band bench with a lot of band assistance, but loaded no weight. I rowed the bar down keeping my back as tight as possible to work on my tightness and hit my lats.

I supersetted these with wide grip lat pull downs. 5x10 of each.

100 more band pull aparts to finish it off.

looking forward to the 531 week coming up.