5/3/1 Week 2 (5s week) - Currently Adapting Training to My Newly Discovered Hip Joint Problems and Planning on Competing in Fall.
Week 1 for 5/3/1 wrapped up nicely and I like the way I'm currently organizing training post-XPCs. Things are simple, tough, my bodyweight is up, and my conditioning is slowly but surely improving.
After deadlifts and assistance work I did some light runs with the Super Yoke, and then decided to try to take a shot at 800lbs. I made it about 15-20 feet and that was it haha (and I'm pretty sure I created like 3 knots in my back). After that I did a few sets of Prowler pushes with 180lbs and called it a day. I also made a short video about deadlift lockout fixes that will be out with an accompanying article here soon!
*Couple short trips back and forth of:
a. Toe touch to leg swings
b. Lunges
c. Hip flexor stretch/Spiderman crawl
Strength Work:
A*Kettlebell Swings - 3x5
B. Deadlift - 5s week of 5/3/1
C. SSB Pause Squats ("front squat position") - sets of 5 up to 290+120lbs in chains, then down set of 15 with 240+chains.
*Super Yoke: 4 20-yard walks with 490lbs, then worked up to probably about 10 yards with 800lbs
*Prowler: 6 20-yard pushes with 180lbs on prowler (high handles)
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