5/3/1 Week 2 (5s week) - Currently Adapting Training to My Newly Discovered Hip Joint Problems and Planning on Competing in Fall.
This was 5s week for Squat, and while nothing incredible, I'm happy with some solid progress! Since my hip joint has gotten worse I've been really struggling with shifting to one side on squats, but this week I stayed pretty even throughout my entire set. I don't expect my squat technique to be perfect, but I also want to make sure I'm focusing on making improvements each week, so today was a notch in the win column. It's also been encouraging to be getting fairly high reps on my AMRAP sets for 5/3/1, and know that I've got plenty of room to increase training maxes over the coming months.
Warm Up (about 10 mins):
*500 meters on rower
*PRI Breathing Drill - 2 sets of 5 breaths
*ShouldeRok Swings - 2 sets of 15 swings per side
*Dynamic Warm-Up - Toe touches to leg swings, lunge to hip flexor stretch, and spiderman hip stretch.
Strength Work:
A*Dynamic Work: Kettlebell Swings - 3x5
A2* Dynamic Work: Box Jumps (from seated position) - 3x5
B. Squat - 5s week of 5/3/1 Wk2
C. Squat Down Sets (beltless, paused, with band around knees) - 3x8 w/ 265lbs
D1. GHR - 3x6
D2. Ab Wheel - 3x10
*Prowler Push - 90lbs, 40 yard trips on Turf - 10 trips
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