So my teammate and me (last cycle) got into a little match of who could pull faster. A little side note, when I compete against teammates I do not give a damn if they weight more or less, the weight on the bar is all that matters. My teammate and I have the exact same training numbers for squat and deads so naturally its going down. Since I am in another state I received a video of shit talking and 5 fast pulls, needless to say I was ready to make a video and shut him up.

Walking into Top Line Gym I was feeling good, heart rate was high because I had a cold brew (coffee) and ready to go. I ran into a minor set back and that was the facility did not have true deadlift bars so I would already be at a disadvantage to my teammate (not by much, he is like 6'3" and pulls conventional, I am 5'6" and pulling sumo) so really I have all the advantages lol.

I won't ruin who pulled faster but lets just say I was cocky enough to also pull without a belt cause I was confident. I love having teammates, even more so those who push me to be better, top set 445 x 5 (straps, straight bar, no belt).