12 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic

Today's training movement for my volume bench day was Spoto Presses (paused bench 1 inch off chest). I did 5x5 w/ 275lbs, and debated going heavier; but since these weeks are designed to back off the weight, I decided to do extra reps on my final set instead (which I think was the smarter move). Things went pretty well, my bicep tendon was pretty sore from squatting with the straight bar over the weekend, but it held together fine. This movement will be good to continue to work in for reps.

A. Band Pull-Aparts - 3x15

B. Spoto Presses - 5x5+


4x5 w/ 275lbs

1x8 w/ 275lbs

C1. Kettlebell Chaos Bench - 3x10

C2. Swiss Bar Bent Over Rows - 3x10

D1. Tricep Cable Pushdown - 3x20

D2. Band Pull-Aparts - 3x15

E. Lat Pulldowns - 3x12

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