These left me so sore. It's been a long time since I did any rep work on squat. It was miserable and I could tell before I was finished that I was going to be sore. Looks like I need to up the volume here over the next month or so.

Straight bar - belt, no wraps
5-6 warmup sets to get to 405
425x5 x 2 sets
445x5 x 2 sets

My hamstrings were sore before I was even finished.

Accessory work:

Barbell Step ups vs bands 3x10 per leg. - These also sucked, and made me realize how out of shape I am.

2x30 prone hamstring curls
2x20 leg extensions - I typically hate these and never do them. I was just trying to move some blood. I could tell my hamstrings and gultes were going to be sore so I figured might as well hit an Isolated quad movement.