Back home in Texas! Enjoying time with Family, Texas PL Friends, and training at the Original Metroflex Gym in my hometown. Top priority is just enjoying life while I'm on break, getting some R&R with loved ones, and getting some solid training sessions in!
Deload Week
Day 1
Squat w/belt x1 @8, x6 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat)
Top set at 335 x 1 @8
Drop sets at 275 x 6 x 3 sets
Bench (touch and go) x1 @8, then move to 87%x2 (-6%). (NL=12)
Top set at 185 x 1 @7.5
Drop Sets at 175x2 x 6 sets
OHP x7 @6, x7 @7, x7 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat)
Top set at 95x7 @8 x 3 sets
Competition Raw Bench x1 @8, x3 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat)
Top set: 190x 1 @7.5
Drop Sets: 170x3 x 3 sets
Deadlift w/belt x1 @8, x6 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat)
Top Set: 385x1 @8 (didn't feel quite right today)
Drop Sets: 345 x 6 @9 (over shot the RPE), 315x6 @7.5
Good Morning x6 @6, x6 @7, x6 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat)
Top Set: 185 x 6 @7.5 x 3 sets
2ct Pause Squat x1 @8, x5 @9 plus 1 down set (load drop)
[I screwed up on the phone placement, I know lol]
Top Set: 295x1 @7.5 rpe
Drop Sets: 270 x5 @9rpe, 250x5 @8rpe
2ct Pause Bench x1 @8, x5 @9 plus 1 down set (load drop)
Top Set: 185x1 @7.5rpe
Drop Sets: 170x5 @9.5rpe
GM (wide stance from pins) x7 @6, x7 @7, x7 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat)
Top set: 185x7 @7.5 rpe x 3 sets