Bench 525 single
Incline 365 2x5
Pause 315 2x6
DB bench neutral grip, 106 2x20
Chest supported row 5x10
Lying tricep ext 8x8


I took last week off and thought it was a good time to test my bench. I wish I wouldn't have. I should have just trusted the process. 525 moved fine, technique wasn't where I wanted it to be. I recognize that in my training I need more time to acclimate to heavy weights.

Either way, I went back to inclines afterward and some pause inclines with a closer grip to focus on triceps.

Neutral grip DB bench for a change up.

Chest supported row- I went a little heavier than normal here. The T bar row we have from EliteFTS is a goddamn beast. I tried 2 plates and a quarter and 10 reps was near max effort.

Lying tricep ext- you want a big bench, focus on the lower part of your triceps. Let the horseshoe come later.