I worked up to a heavy single. A month before I even started this training cycle I could have told you this is the number I wanted to hit this day. I have one more heavy squat day coming up and I plan to hit 725 with reverse mini bands. The Arnold / XPC world is coming up and I'm competing at 220 raw with wraps. My best squat in this division in a meet is 675 lbs.

bar x 5
455x1 - Maverick Wraps
495x1 - maverick wraps
565x1 - krait wraps
625x1 - krait wraps
660x1 - krait wraps

Felt great! I was really happy with it, especially considering it was a self wrap with the kraits. They are by far the best and strongest knee wraps I've used, but very tough to self wrap. Next week one of my long time training partners, Josh Cioca, is making the drive from Cinci to Cleveland (4hrs) just to wrap me one training session before the meet.

Accessory work:
Standing cable abs 2x20
Reverse hyper 2x20

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Not a PR, but happy with this 660 lb squat

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