I'm currently preparing for the 2016 USS Strongman Nationals which will be held on June 11th, 2016. My training focus is to continue to get stronger and prepare and peak for the events at Nationals. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my nutrition and programming.
I ended up doing this session on a Thursday since I was out of town Fri-Sun for a Bachelor Party. I wasn't going to be able to train events at a cabin on a lake in the middle or nowhere. So I moved everything up and just trained a few back to back days that I normally wouldn't. I got all my training in though.
This session felt great. I definitely don't see the fingal fingers at nationals being as heavy as the pipe I have to train them, However, do think I'll get some good carryover to the actualy fingal fingers at nationals. And once fatigue sets in I'll have pretty decent technique for handling a heavy fingal finger.
The rest of this session was pretty much conditioning. The conan's wheel was rough and the keg medley was worse. It's all worth the hard work though. I acutally felt great after this session and I'm excited to see things coming together.
A. Fingal Fingers
5 set of 1 @ ~600#
B. Conan's Wheel
3 sets of 3 revolutions at 315#
C. Keg Carry Medley - 50 ft. each, running back after each keg
150#/180#/210# x 4 sets