I'm currently training for USS "Hope for the Holidays" strongman competition that'll be in St. Louis on December 19th. I'll be competing in the max log clean & press and max deadlift events. I'm also still focusing on adding some size, but strength is my main emphasis. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming. After competing in December my next competition plans will more than likely be USS Nationals or NAS Plat+ next summer.

I haven't trained speed deadlifts in a long, long time. I will say these felt great and in the past these had a huge impact in helping me build my deadlift. Everything else went good also. I'm just putting in the work. This session was moved from Saturday to Sunday because I've been spending a lot of time in the woods bowhunting. So I was dragging a little bit since I had been up since 4am and hunted all morning before heading to the gym. A little pre-workout and good music got me going pretty good though.


A. Speed Deadlifts (w/Elitefts pro short light band)

9 sets of 1 @ 320# + band tension


B. Incline DB Press




Drop set

105x6, drop to 90x6, drop to 80x6



4 sets of 10 w/105# DBs


D. Stir the Pot

3 sets of 10 each direction