Monday 2 chains 3 chains
Bench 415-435-455 x2
455x2, SS 475x2, 505x2
Pause 1 board 2 chains 325-375-415x3 375x5, 325x8
Lat pull down orange band 3x10-15
Chest supported row 3x12
1/4 dips 150# 4x15


When I laid out this part of the bench cycle, I wasn't sure how much the chains would affect me, or put simply, how to adjust the bar weight based off of 2-3-4 chain set ups. Given the last couple bench days, I had a better idea of how to warm up today, and really get the most out of this training day.

I warmed up to 3 plates and added two chains to each side, starting doubles. I went 415, 435, and 455. It all moved well and I was feeling confident compared to other bench days. So I added a chain and hit 455 for another double. With the "work" being doing, I grabbed the slingshot for some overload work. I hit 475 and 505 for doubles there, with the last set being about 575 at the top.

455x2 plus 3 chains/side


505x2 plus 3 chains/side with a slingshot
