8 days till food! I mean... till Competition. As excited as I am to compete, and see all my PL friends and family, and check out the Elitefts compound-- I'd be lying if I said I wasn't super excited to dig into some good food after lifting! As I said before, I let myself get way to far off from my competition weight this training cycle (keep in mind we have 2hour weigh ins)-- and I had to deal with the consequences of that. Live and learn, this next time around I won't get so lazy/lax with my diet and nutrition.

In an effort to make it easier to "see" my training-- I've highlighted my top sets in red/bold. This means that this was my "top" set for the day, and any sets that follow are "down" sets/back off sets. These will usually either be a "load-drop" down set (reduce the top set by 5%) or a "repeat" down set (repeat the top set weight for a certain number of sets). Very often if I'm working up to a 9rpe-- the back off sets will be "load drops". If I'm working up to an 8rpe-- the back off sets will be "repeats".

I didn't take much video this week, mainly because when I'm this close to meet-- the thought of videoing can be distracting. While I'm always trying to be conscious of technique, and executing the lift with integrity-- at this point in my training cycle, there's no room to be "changing things".  It could be because I'm still "green" as far as PL goes (~3 years lifting/competing), but reviewing video this close to a meet makes me a bit of a head case. The urge to try and dissect, tweak, etc. my form is hard to resist. Point is-- this close to a meet, videoing my main lifts makes me a head case. I know this about myself, so I just don't video.  I did however, get video of a rep PR on my secondary squat movement (Squat w/chains)! I've done this weight before, but I was 15-20lbs heavier in bodyweight.


Squat w/belt Competition Raw Bench Push Press
Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE
1 295 3 7 1 155 3 6.5 1 95 5 6
2 315 3 8.5 2 175 3 8.5 2 105 5 7
3 325 3 9 3 180 3 9 3 115 5 7.5
4 310 3 8.5 4 175 3 8 4 120 5 8
5 120 5 8
6 120 5 8
7 120 5 8


Deadlift w/belt Pin Press (at chest) SSB Squat
Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE
1 315 3 6 1 135 5 6.5 1 155 5 6
2 345 3 7 2 155 5 7.5 2 205 5 7
3 365 3 8 3 175 5 8.5 3 245 5 7.5
4 385 3 9 4 165 5 8 4 245 5 7.5
5 365 3 8.5 5 245 5 7.5
6 365 3 8 6 245 5 8



Squat + ~50c Touch and Go Bench CG Floor Press
Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE Set # Load Reps RPE
1 225 3 6 1 135 3 6 1 135 6 6.5
2 245 3 7 2 155 3 7 2 155 6 8
3 265 3 7.5 3 165 3 7.5 3 155 6 8
4 275 3 8 4 175 3 8 4 155 6 8.5
5 275 3 8 5 185 3 9 5 155 6 8.5
6 275 3 8.5 6 175 3 8
7 275 3 9


Squat + ~50c full chain weight: 275x3 (no belt)
