BB row 135 5x10
Belt sq wide 1-2-3-4 plates 5x15
Lat pull down 3x15
Seated hamstring curls


Some light back work to finish out the week.

Thursday night into Friday I got a stomach bug. Given my UC, this scared the shit out of me, literally. I had some symptoms that would indicate a flare up so between the toilet and phone calls with doctors, I wasn't sure what my status would be. I woke up Saturday morning in better shape- it had passed. I was feeling better. So I had to hydrate and eat hard after dropping about 5lbs.

Squat 150-240-330-420 triples
Belt squat 1-2-3 plates 3x15 wide stance
1-2-3 plates 3x15 close stance
Fatbell RDL single leg 3x10 each
Step ups BW, high box 3x10 each


50% on squats and some blood flow work.