I'm currently preparing for the 2016 USS Strongman Nationals which will be held on June 11th, 2016. My training focus is to continue to get stronger and prepare and peak for the events at Nationals. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my nutrition and programming.

Going into this session I was thinking it wouldn't be too bad. Because on paper, it didn't look that bad. It was pretty brutal. I went straight home and consumed a large amount of carbs while watching my favorite new TV Channel, Viceland.

I ended the day with 3 orders of Sushi, Rainbow Rolls, to finish out my 715g of carbs for the day.


A. Conan's Wheel

135# x 2 rev

225# x 2 rev

315# x 2 rev

405# x 2 rev

455# x 2 rev

495# x 2 rev


B. Atlas Stones

Set to contest height and the last set was to mimic the contest run as close as possible.

230/240/260/260/300 x 2

260/300/340/340 x 2