Sometimes all you really need is for someone else to believe in you, more than you believe in yourself. I mean, sadly, I feel like this is my life story. Today was one of those days, again. I tend to go on the more conservative side when it comes to picking weight attempts, often much lower than my actual potential, that was today. All I had to work up to was 370 for an easy single, which actually ends up being right around my opener for this meet. I hit 375, but my speed was a little off, and I was frustrated. I consulted with Casey and asked if he thought I should hit another, he said yes. I said, so like, 385? He responded with (laugh) "how about 400." To which I said. really? that's kind of heavy. I think you get the point.
I hit 400, easy. So easy. I didn't want to go heavier though. I like to stick as close to the peaking cycle protocol as possible. BUT I did a new fun thing. I hit 435 for a single with some reverse bands, which was interesting and different. Honestly, it was just kind of nice to feel the weight on my back before meet day for once. Especially since I'm basically a total head case on squats.
Squats: 375x1, 400x1 & 435x1 (reverse bands, I think they were red)
Split Squats: 4x10
BB Rows: 95x12 & 135x12
Shrugs: 135x12 & 185x12
Pull Ups: 2x10 - I feel like I've just been adding pull ups in every single training session, I love them so much. Oh well!