I'll be the first to admit I have been quite remiss in updating my log. To be honest, I just didn't feel like doing it. That's a really lame excuse, but how much can I really talk about rehabbing my damn knee, back, and hip.

My training has been stagnant. I have been unmotivated. This goes with my Operation Be Less Fat also. That has completely stalled the last month. I have not lost any weight, but at least I have not gained any either.

Ok, so some good news. The body is starting to feel whole. I was actually able to deadlift on Saturday. I used the trap bar with only 135, but it was a start. I'll get to do the same thing with the squat this week. I anticipate a nice steady incline in the numbers, so I am feeling a little invigorated.

Along with getting back to squatting and deadlifting, I will be able to plant my feet on the ground when benching. So it is time to start ramping things up.

My plan for the next month is to focus on getting into the 240's. So I will tighten up on calories, increase conditioning, and increase the pace of my training. It will be a mini one month pre meet training cycle.

After that, it's time to start preparing for my meet in August. I will be aiming to qualify to get my slightly less big butt back into the Arnold. I bombed the Arnold many years ago, and that's my biggest regret in the sport. It's time to rectify that.

I apologize for my slacking, and look forward to contributing regularly again. Time to get motivated to SFW!