40 minute walk with 40 lb weight vest
Close grip incline with shoulder saver pad paused 260/300x3, 335x10, 260x15
Dips against mini band x10x15x17
Inverted barbell rows w/legs elevated 3x10
Bonus Work:
SS – W/ankle weights leg ext 1x50 w/leg curls 1x50 w/calf raises 1x50
SS – Pushdowns 50 3x12 w/tbar rows 50 3x12
SS - Face pulls 50 2x12 SS w/ Curls 70 2x12
40 minutes treadmill LISS
Planks 6x30 seconds
*30 minute massage
I had a killer training session on Tuesday. Interestingly, I did not want to train at all. I was down there with Jess and she had a deload. We decided she could do her incline work before I’d even start so she could just get done. The music was on low and I was just kind of there.
When Jess finished I told her I was going to blast some music. Man, that can really change the attitude of a session. I found new life. While doing close grip inclines I decided I’d pause them. Why? Why not I say. The top set of 335x10 and the fsl set of 260x15 turned out to be an rpe of about 10. Letting the last few reps sit on my chest for a while might have upped the difficulty.
After the main exercise I did my main assistance work of dips and rows. The dips are getting a little too easy with just bodyweight so I need to add some resistance. I have a weight belt, but I hate those things. It’s a pain to get the weight on and off so I decided to use a band. I just looped it over my neck and attached it to the handles. I have never seen them before but I am sure I’m not the first. I really like them. The greatest tension was at the top of course and that’s where I need the most work for lockout power anyway.
Then it was time for bonus work. That’s whatever I feel like doing after my three main training exercises, if I feel like doing anything extra at all. Earlier in the day if you told me I was going to do extra work later on I would have called you completely nuts. That’s why you should keep an open mind going into a training session. You could feel lousy all day and then be able to turn it on. So I did a bunch of stuff with no real rhyme or reason. It’s just whatever I felt like doing. I definitely felt very worked afterwards and that’s a good feeling.
I have saved the best for last. Wednesday I got a nice surprise. You see our house number is 55. Our kitchen is called Café 55 because my wife is an awesome cook. I’d rather eat at Café 55 than just about any restaurant I can think about. Well, we also have a spare room that just happens to have a massage table. That’s Spa 55. Much like I’m the manager of our basement gym, Jess is the manager of Spa 55. Wouldn’t you know it; the manager opened the Spa and gave me a killer rub. You should all be very jealous. I am a very lucky man
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