I have been and still am so sick this past week with the cold/flu/migraine, it really sucks and puts a damper on life never mind your training. Yesterday I didn't want to be a sick baby pussy, we had a big new crew coming to train with us and I wanted to get some weight on my back again. Lots of pre-workout energy and I felt good to go.

First squat with just the bar felt crappy, my shoulder was tight, my left knee was caving in and it took the special eye of Dr. Ken Kinakin to spot the muscles on me that were not firing. Mind you I have been in bed sick for a few days so my muscles were already sore.

Dr. Ken fixed my shoulder, my left glute, my right adductor and I was good to go. He used the percussor on my muscles and got them firing again. He watched me squat and could pick out right away which muscles were not firing, this man is amazing and I am so happy he was over to train with us and has become such a good friend, thank you Ken.

See related article Managing Injuries

Squats (Only the second time under straight bar 4.5 months post shoulder surgery)

Bar x 5/5

176 Lbs x 5

196 Lbs x 5

205 Lbs x 3

245 Lbs x 1


275 Lbs x 1 (This is Epic for me and felt easy)


245 Lbs 2/2/2

245 Plus Orange Bands About 100 Lbs 345 1/1/2/2



This coupled with some GHR's some Abs and some Kettlebells, helping new crew members, I was gassed and feeling quite sick by the time a few hours had passed. It was a great day and gave me some confidence to get under some heavier weights again, one week today I see my surgeon and hope to get the go ahead to start training hard.

A great training day in the Outlaw Strength cave, with Ken, Dr. Ken, Sean, Kevin, Jeff, Paul Pietro, Joanne & Louise.

#livelearnpasson #driven #passiontrumpseverything