I need to try and stay motivated while I await my surgeon's appointment on Monday so this is my workout today.

My Tribute To Baby Amelia 16/09/15

Pink and Purple Kettlebell Heaven is what I was in today. Trying a fun set of just pink and purple bells, they consist of 18 Lbs, 22 lbs, 44 Lbs & 48 Lbs.

Swing ladders up then back down the ladder

8 Kg x 16 one arm

10 Kg x 16 alternating

20 Kg x 16 Double handed

22 Kg x 16 Double handed

16 Reps, 9 Moves, 15 Around the Worlds in Between


Clean & Press

Clean & Jerk


Figure 8 Holds with Squat

Goblet Squat

Swing Squat

Drop Squat

Bent Over Rows

Got a great sweat on, keeping my muscles and joints mobile is my mission right now.


#elitefts #driven #babyamelia #proudgramma #kettlebells #pink&purple