For some time now I've trained most of my accessory work by myself. This isn't necessarily by choice but I train mid-mornings on Wednesdays and Thursdays and that isn't ideal for most other people. What it does do though is it forces me to be confident and self-reliant as I progress to heavier weights.



power squats

worked up to 900 loaded pounds for 5 sets of 5 reps


dimel deadlifts

135 with fat gripz

5 sets of 15 reps


hanging leg raises

3 sets of 15



close grip bench

135 for 5 sets of 20 reps


incline bench using shoulder saver bar

135 for 5 sets of 10 reps


McGill chin-ups

3 singles


front chain raises

1 chain for 3 sets of 8 paused reps


The squats really taxed me and I was sore the next day. The volume on the bench felt great and while the weight was low it still made me work.