Warm Ups 

Bracing protocol as usual

Light Band work to get the blood moving

135 - 8 x 2

225 - 8

315 - 6

405 - 3

495 - 2

565 - 1

Working Sets 

625 x 2 x 4 plus the Gangster 5th set which is an all out set or an amrap.



 Accessory Work 

Block pulls ( two inches below the knee) I usually do these in the 70% range,

540 x 3 x 3 trying to focus on a 1-second hold at the top.


Reverse-Hypers 5 x 10 with four plates each side

Assisted chins (what a pussy) super set with face-pulls 1 set of 15 reps immediately following set of chins

Hammer curls two progressive sets of 12-15 reps

Mood:  I ain't a killer but don't push me 

Energy:  DMMA

Feeling's: 180 from last weeks pulls, still don't have the groove dialed in but much better. I need to keep this ball rolling