I plan on doing a recap of my training cycle- the ups, downs, and what I learned- as well as some specifics on what happened in the two weeks leading up to the XPC finals.
But to make a long story short, I met with Dave about an hour before the afternoon session started on Saturday and we spoke with Dr. Serrano and with their guidance I decided it wasn't worth competing on Saturday due to some health complications.
Even though I wasn't feeling well (and still not as I write this from the couch), it was nice seeing everyone. It was nice the amount of kind words and support I got from teammates, old friends and strangers alike.
I'm proud of Yessie for a great meet. It wasn't what she wanted but if she could see what I see in her, she'd realize this will be a huge stepping stone for her as a strength athlete.
I'm also happy for and proud of all of my teammates that laid it on the line this weekend whether they reached their goals or not, but from what I could tell almost everyone had great performances.