Hammer high row
1 ppsx8
2 ppsx8
3 ppsx8
4 ppsx8
4 and a 25ps x8
wide grip pull down.
5 sets of 12 up to 2 max sets of 10-12
face pulls
4 sets of 12
cable shrug
stack for 20 close grip followed by 20 more 2 feet from stack
3 sets of 40. These hit the traps in a weird but good way
db curl
45s for 3 sets of 8 with 20 seconds rest in between sets
Machine preacher
1 big rest pause set of 8, 5, 5, 4, 3. Rest only enough for burn to go away.
Sit up
3 sets of 20
pauloff holds
3 sets of 10 secs each side
foam rolled legs
stretched legs
Man am I sore this week.