Ymca 30 minute blitz today.  Left house with 2 year old.  Realized at gym that my house key was still with neighbors since they watched the house.  I knew I had 30 minutes tops before the kids pull up (potty training now) would explode at gym day care.  With that in mind I busted through a bunch of goodies quickly

started with foam roll on back, itbs, and quads.

hammer strength low row two arms at a time

1 pps for 2 sets of 20

2 pps for 2 sets of 20

3 pps for 2 sets of 20

standing row to chest

5 sets of 15

face pull with rope

5 sets of 12

Pauloff hold

10 sets of 10 seconds without rest going from left to right every other set

cable rope curl

stack for 3 sets of 10

alternate db curl

45s for 15 to failure

machine hammer curl

3 sets of 10, 6, 4 in 10 second rest pause style

quad stretches


I then drove around for an hour with the 2 year old before my wife got home to let me in the house. I then cut the grass very half assed and headed off to a birthday party for a long time friend of the 7 year old. They have been in day care together since they were 3 months old.   The wife usually does the bday parties but I always sign up for this one each year.  They always have tons of food and beer.