Dropped the kid off For a half hour swim lesson.  Hit the weights and got after it quick with lots of rest pause work and sets with minimal exercises.

Row/pull down machine

5 warm up sets of 16 reps consisting of 8 overhand grip followed by 8 neutral grip reps

work sets

Over hand grip 8 reps

neutral grip 8 reps

I repeated this 4 times with 30 seconds rest in between sets for 8 reps.

Ez curl bar. I was panting after the previous sets so gave it a good minute rest for these.

95 for 8

115 for 8

135 for 8

145 for 8

Perverse peck deck

4 sets of 15 with 30 seconds rest in between sets


Did this in 16 minutes and was back in time to see the kid swimming the breast stroke. She loves being on the swim team.