I've been keeping with my promise to myself of more frequent assistance workouts and have been very happy with the results so far. basically I do one every day, with the exception of a main training day and Saturday (because we squat/dl heavy the next day). The workouts usually consist of 4-5 exercises, which can be any one of the following:


Back extensions

Glute ham raises

Glute ham situps

Dumbbell side-bends

Back extension side bends

Machine crunches

Band or cable pulldown abs

As far as sets and reps, I stay around 12-15 reps for about 4-5 sets per exercise.

I wish I had a more sophisticated system, but I tend to choose my exercises based on whatever is free in the crowded gym I train in.


On another note, My back health is really good right now. The pain is mostly gone and I finding it much easier to strain in movements where I used to be unable to "lock in". A lot of this is due to my switching chiropractors. My old guy was ok, but I mostly went to him out of convenience (there is childcare at the facility). He wasn't bad mind you, but he didn't have as clear an understanding of what I do as I would have liked. The office recently replaced him with a new guy who is doing a much better job of addressing my issues. During our first session together, he noticed my lumbar flexion was severely  limited, and took some steps to get it moving that the other guy did not. So far, I feel much stronger and healthier since he began treatments on it.

Between this and the higher volume, I'm really excited about this meet cycle.

Now if only my new Metal Canvas Squat Suit would hurry up and get here....