The following details my back and biceps workout from Tuesday morning at Kirkland Gold’s Gym. My former training partner, Greg Jones, joined me. Here is the workout…
Superset: Standing Stretch Pulldowns & Tsunami Bar Rows
I used a neutral, close grip attachment for the standing stretch pulldowns and this attachment for the seated pulley rows: Perform a couple rounds of warm-ups first.
Standing Stretch Pulldowns x 10 reps with 110lbs
Immediately followed by…
Seated Pulley Rows w/Tsunami Bar x 10 reps with 150lb
*Stretch and hold the contraction on the pulldowns and then perform the tsunami rows almost dead-stop style by pausing in the stretch position, driving your elbows back hard and holding the contraction briefly. Perform this superset for 4 rounds with just enough of a break between rounds to drink some Plazma.
You can do the pulldowns standing or away facing like this:
Chest Supported Row (eccentric only)
You’ll require a training partner for this one - FYI.
Three sets of 5-7 reps with 150lbs
*The key here is to have your training partner help you get the weight into the contracted position. Hold and flex for a split second and then lower over a 5 second count. Continue doing reps in this fashion until you fail to maintain a 5 second eccentric rep phase.
Superset: Banded Pullovers & Hammer Strength Shrugs
I used this band on the pullover:
Banded Pullovers x failure (14-9 reps) with 80lbs + band
Immediately followed by…
Shrugs x failure with 3 plates/side
*I went for three solid rounds on this superset. Go to failure on the pullovers. Immediately move to shrugs. I used a horizontal Hammer Strength chest press for the shrugs - FYI. Go to failure here. Once I hit failure I paused briefly at the bottom and grinded out a few more reps.
Here are the banded pullovers from a previous workout:
Here are the shrugs from a previous workout:
Spider Curls - Supinate to Neutral
Set 1 x 10 reps supinate and 6 reps neutral with 30lbs
Set 2 x 8 reps supinate and 5 reps neutral with 30lbs
Set 3 x 6 reps supinate and 4 reps neutral with 30lbs
Set 4 x 5 reps supinate and 4 reps neutral with 30lbs
*Lay face down on an incline utility bench with your arms hanging over the end. Curl with your palms in a supinate hand position for 4-10 reps and then switch to a neutral grip for another 4-6 reps. Use perfect form without using momentum and flex hard in the contracted position for a brief moment.
Train hard!