I am finally getting "settled" for lack of a better term. I have a bed, job, and transportation so I am counting that as settled. My training needs to be transitioned as I am goig to need to choose a meet later in the year, around November or December so I can train WITH the IPA Powerlifting Team. This week was a filler week as I had 2 more days left in the week to train coming off GPP so when in doubt I train back. The following week will start me off in my new "hybrid" "powerbuilding", *insert whitty hashtag shit here* regimin ran by Julia. I am interested to see what happens as I have not been under a load with any of the main movements in quit some time
Meadows rows - 2 warm up sets then
3 x 10: 20
Cable rows - use two separate handles
3 x 12: 13th hole
Dumbell pullovers -
3 x 12 : 50
Narrow grip chins – wrist hurt
2 x max: 10, 13
Dumbell shrugs -
1x12: 3 second hold: 95
Hyperextensions -
1 set to failure, then drop the weight and continue the set with just your bodyweight to failure.
15(25), 30(BW)