What a week, cold, flu, migraines, you name it I got it, I tried to sleep as much as I could, rest is best when you are sick, I slept for two straight days it seems.

Today is the first day I felt half normal, whatever that is anymore,  I mustered up enough energy to get groceries, cook for thanksgiving tomorrow and still had some energy for some metabolic conditioning ! I hate having excuses and feel guilty not training, but sometimes you just can't control Mother Nature.


Swing / Snatch Combo x 3 Rounds

Long Cycle

12 Kg 2 Min Set One Arm x 3 Rounds



16 Kg Long Cycle 15 Reps x 3 Rounds



Swing Squats 16 Kg x 3 Rounds



One Arm Swing Squats x 2 Rounds (these killed my lungs)

High Pulls 1 Min x 3 Rounds

Snatches 1 Min x 3 Rounds


2015-10-10 16.24.25_resized


That is about all I could muster up today, still coughing up half a lung, got a good sweat on and a good body pump. I'm saving some energy for Squats & Sled drags tomorrow before hosting thanksgiving dinner of course !

I'm thankful I could get this little bit of training in today, better than lying in bed feeling sorry for myself.

#coldssuck #injuriessuck #teamelitefts #kettlebells #driven