8 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic

For today's heavy bench training I got into my bench shirt again for the first time since last meet. I'm going to have 3 more training sessions in the shirt (every other week) leading into XPC Finals. Today was some light triples to a 2-board to practice some technique cues; and next session will be heavier singles.

The 2 biggest things I was working on were:

1) Holding my air/tightness all the way through lockout

2) Breaking my elbows wider at the start of the descent and not over tucking too early (something I did a little bit on the first rep below)

A. Mace Swings w/ ShouldeRok - 3x12 each side

B. Shirted Bench to 2-board  - 3x3 to 475lbs


C. Incline Dumbbell Press - 3x25 w/ 70 lb dumbbells

D. Bent Over Barbell Rows - 5x10 w/ 135lbs (focus on stretch and contract)

E. Med Ball Tricep Pushdowns on Assisted Pullup Machine - 3x12

F. Dumbbell Curls - 2x15

G. Heavier ShouldeRok Swings - 3x10 each side

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