Sorry it's been so long-- March was full of great adventures (out of town every weekend), but made life a bit hectic since weekends are typically my opportunity to recoup/get caught up/get prepared from the week past and the week ahead. That being said, training has been going well-- and I'm looking forward to the opportunity of doing my "test day" at an actual meet. This allows me to practice the skill of competing, while testing out my lifts (which I'd be doing in a mock meet in the gym anyway).

The meet is the USAPL CT Spring Classic-- and will be on May 09 in Derby, Connecticut.

I'm just coming back from a Deload week-- and now have started the next phase of my training leading up to the Meet/ Test Day.

3 Weeks Out

Squat w/belt
Load Reps RPE
275 3 6.5
295 3 7.5
295 3 8
295 3 8


***Figuring out the weights for this Squat session was tough. It was supposed to be a triple at an 8rpe, with 2 repeat sets. The top set didn't feel quite at an 8, but the bar path wasn't quite where I wanted it and my speed wasn't quite as fast as it normally is. Therefore, I stayed conservative and just focused on trying to make each set better than the last. ***

Competition Bench no tag
Load Reps RPE
155 3 6
165 3 7
175 3 8
175 3 8.5
175 3 8.5


DB Bench
Load Reps RPE
90 6 6
110 6 7
130 6 8
130 6 8
130 6 8.5


** This was an interesting experience because I hadn't/haven't done DB work in years haha. I had no concept of what weights to start at or how to go up-- I basically felt like Goldilocks (starting with 40's, and just going up the rack until I found the DB's that were JUST right!)**


GPP Work (12 minutes)

Seated V-Bar Row (80lbs on stack)

Ab Wheel Outs (BW)