I strained my pec about 5 weeks ago, I decided to bench with one of the high school athletes I train and see where I was at.
He was doing some triples at 205, so I figured it would be a perfect first workout back for me.
Bench Press
3x10 @ 45, 95, 135 supersetted with facepulls x 20
8x 155
- Those 3 sets were supersetted with band wall walks
( I like to train with my athletes every once in awhile because I make them do all the prehab work that most lifters should be doing and usually skip out on, myself included.)
6x3 @ 205 lbs - 100% pain free. About 50% of my max, but a good start
Accessory work:
Physio ball pushups 3x10
pullup 3x10
Farmers walk 3x50 yards @80 lbs per hand
ab roller 3x10
It was a great workout. I can tell I'm out of shape so hopping in with one of my best athletes was rough.