Treadmill 1 hr, 3 mph/3 incl
Back and hip stretch

Warm up
Trap bar dl 295/340/385x5, 205 5x10
Reverse bench band pulldowns w/football bar 7x10
Single arm ez curl 3x10
Plank 3x36 seconds

Treadmill 1 hr, 3 mph/3 incl
Deep tissue massage 1 hr

Treadmill 1 hr, 3 mph/3 incl

Bench w/football bar *w/shoulder saver 295/340x5, 245 3x5
Close grip bench w/shoulder saver *w/rolled up towel 275x20
-Rope pushdowns 5x15 w/ Micro mini band pull apart 5x10
.5 hr stretching and rolling

-Back raises 3x10 w/planks 3 x 40 seconds
SSB squat 290/335/380x5
SSB front squat 205 5x10

That's it, a full week of work. A few things to note. My right biceps tendon is not great. I was not able to get weight down to my chest. With the football bar I just tucked the shoulder saver under my shirt. It definitely took enough stress off so I could get a little work in. I didn't press my luck going for my last set. I felt lucky just getting some work in. Then we did a little close grip work with the shoulder saver, I tucked a rolled up towel under my shirt also for a little added comfort. This was just not a good night for either Karsten or I so we shut it down. We made good use of the extra time and stretched and rolled for at least half an hour. Ever forward.

Squatting was interesting. Now that I am no longer holding the handles and allowing the bar to sit on my neck the safety squat bar has become less fun. Now it really want to push me forward hard, like it's supposed to. I switched out of my heeled squat shoes to a pair of Chuck's. I also widened my stance. Holy balls, my hamstrings got fried. So for my down sets I was not interested in the same torture. So I flipped the bar around and did close grip front squats. Yep, those were brutal also. It probably did not help that I did my back raises and planks before squatting. Jess gets priority on the squat rack so I figured I would use the time wisely while she was squatting.

Deadlifting felt good. I guess I should have started with that. That was the first exercise I have done other than squatting for the past three weeks. There was no stress on the shoulder/biceps tendon. That's what led to the decision to try to get back to normal training. As you can see from above, benching was fair at best. It could have gone better, but I know it could have been worse. I'll just keep working on getting better and hope for next week.

Finally, my bodyweight is moving in the right direction. I'm down to a new low of 243.5. I'm getting closer to the 230's which is awesome. Five more pounds and I'll at least be in cutting distance for the 220's. I'm too old to cut from 20 or more lbs out.

Thanks for reading.