17 Weeks from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic

After a week off post-meet, training began again this weekend with some good time to work on things before XPC Finals in March. After bombing out at the meet last weekend, I have some good priorities in mind moving forward for XPC Finals:

1) Get the medication/sleep issues figured out with my doctor so I can be in a better condition when training - right now I'm dosing off of the one I'm currently on that's been giving me trouble.

2) Put more of a focus on supplemental movements - movement selection (risk/reward, carryover, etc) and keeping volume higher moving towards the meet. These movements have been what gets me stronger, no sense in letting them slip during meet preparation.

3) Hammer some specific muscular weaknesses (hamstrings, triceps, low back, abs)

4) Improve technique (setup/unrack on squat, groove in bench shirt, specifically).

5) Get more explosive (particularly on squat)

6) Gain quality weight to fill out 220 weight class (currently 208) - This will go hand-in-hand with the assistance work volume.

..There are a few others but these are some of the big ones that you will see reflected in my training. Saturday was my first day back of dynamic effort squat/deadlift training, and it was a light session to start back since I begin my barbell speed wave next weekend back at the EliteFTS Compound:

A. Standing Ab Pull-Down Warm-Up w/ Band - 5x15

B. Box Jumps from Seated Position - 6x3 to 30" box

C. Straight Leg Deficit Deadlifts - 4x8 w/ 225lbs


D. Inverse Hamstring Curls  - 4x8

E. Hanging Leg Raises - 4x10

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