After my last meet a few weeks ago, and training at the compound the next, I was hoping the guys had picked something easy for this past Sunday's lower ME session.

Nope, deadlifting against doubled mini-bands. F*ckers

The only thing I suck at worse than raw deadlifting is conventional raw deadlifting. And a band just adds exponentially to my suckyness. but here it is:

bar x a bunch

135 x 5

Added band

185 x 1

225 x 1

275 x 1

295 x 1

315 x 1

It was hard, because my back strength is still not where I need it to be, but at least there was zero pain. I was really reluctant to add conventional deadlifting back into the mix, but so far it hasn't resulted in any issues. Just kind of hurts my pride. But at least it's a pretty damn good motivation to get better!

Finished with 4 sets of reverse hypers, 4 sets of good girl/bad girls, and 4 sets of cable pulldown abs.