I'll just hit the ground running, piggybacking off what the other half of the dynamic dbol duo Joe Sullivan said in his latest write up "tightrope."
If you're all in on your training, you may have experienced or know the wheels are coming off, and you can't do much- if anything to prevent that. Yeah, you can prevent a lot of shit by doing all the right things. True as that is, the flip side to that coin is just as real- you will fuck up, you will be in pain, you will break, you will bleed, and you will suffer. If you are rolling your eyes and thinking to yourself here, we go more rah-rah shit. I can tell you flat out you will never push the envelope and potentially seek greatness.
When you give something as physical as powerlifting your all, it's going to collect, and when it collects you will pay the ultimate price, the debt is paid with torn tendons and ligaments, ruptured muscles and broken bones. Someone will come along and either tell you that you're stupid (I can't disagree) or they will sell you the dream of a magic way to being 100% pain-free all of the time. This is bullshit, and if you fall for that, I have some beautiful ocean front property in Ohio for sale.
See, me, I look at this and think, be a fucking dog. Have you ever seen a malnourished dog, a beaten dog, cold, hungry, abandoned dog? Once they're backed into a corner no matter how beaten, no matter how exhausted or worn out the still show their teeth, they still growl, they sure the fuck will let you know they will not go without one last fight.
So next time someone says your stupid for pushing through pain, or you are idiotic, dumb because you deadlifted from the floor and your back hurts, or your benching through some shoulder pain, tell them to fuck off. Train your ass off, push the envelope and be a fucking dog, cause you never know when that next time, is the last time.