Treadmill 45 minutes, hr 120
Seated piriformis stretch
Seated band back traction
Seated band back traction with twist
Lying on table weighted hip flexor stretch
*3x during day
Treadmill 45 minutes, hr 120
McGill curl up 1x10
Bird dogs 1x10
Side planks 1x30 seconds
*2x during day
Treadmill 45 minutes, hr 120
McGill curl up 1x10
Bird dogs 1x10
Side planks 1x30 seconds
*2x during day
1 hr deep tissue massage
So I am really hitting my stride on the treadmill and I wasn’t even looking for that pun. Seriously though, it’s just nice to know exactly what I’ll do. I’m removing the airdyne right now because I know my body is feeling good from what I am doing, hence why add another variable.
I am really pissed about one thing on the treadmill however. I was binge watching a season of a show called Hunted on Cinemax on Demand. Now it’s finished and I have nothing new to watch. Believe me, the treadmill is much more pleasant when you have something good to watch. When all else fails I have World’s Strongest Man and Crossfit saved in the DVR. Those just motivate me to want to train and compete.
Rehab has taken a good turn. The “Fantastic Four” I had been using with the traction has run its course. Almost all of the rib area pain I get on the right side from my psoas has subsided. What I’m noticing now is that the traction really fatigues my back. I decided to give the McGill Big 3 a shot and it seems to be working out nicely. My back and hips are making slow incremental improvements over the past couple of days and my back feels less tired. Another thing I noticed is that my back is not nearly as sore when I wake up as it was when I was doing the traction. I would never say the traction was bad. It was necessary. My rib area pain was bad. I could not twist my body at all.
I have learned not to be so rigid. Some things work for a while and then they run their course. I need to be fluid and intuitive with my rehab just like I am with my training. This strength game is chess not checkers.