Week 3 of 3-week Phase of Barbell 'Re-Acclimation" & Conditioning

Saturday was my first time back at the EliteFTS S4 Compound since training for the Arnold. It's my last RPE-based rep week of getting used to the barbell lifts post-meet, and I did 505x3 on beltless deadlifts. The pulls felt a lot easier than I expected and I'm looking forward to seeing where my deadlift progresses with my new training approach. I followed that up with some assistance work and then did some walks outside with the Super Yoke with my Strongman teammate Zach Gallmann. 

I had never done Yoke Walks before, and man were they brutal. I've never felt every muscle in my body have to work so hard at once haha. Since I've been doing more conditioning work, I figured I mine as well take advantage of the equipment I have access to at the Compound, and I'm glad I did. I'm going to alternate Prowler Pushes, Super Yoke Walks, Farmers Walks and other similar things when I'm there on the weekends, and take advantage of the nice weather and even nicer equipment. Mario and Bryan also joined us briefly and it quickly turned into a sh*t talking session (that was hilarious). I made it up to 760lbs on the Yoke and got about 50 ft before I died out (Zach flew with the thing haha). Talk about a back and ab workout.. This was by far some of the most fun I've had in training in a while.


*500 meters on rower

*3 sets of mace swings with ShouldeRok

*Couple short trips back and forth of:

a. Toe touch to leg swings

b. Lunges

c. Hip flexor stretch/Spiderman crawl

Strength Work:

A. Heavy Kettlebell Swings - 3x5

B. Deadlifts (beltless) - 505x3


*grabbed the bar a little uneven on this set.

C. SSB Front Squats (paused) - 2x5, 1x8 w/ 240lbs


D. Reverse Hypers - 4x15

E. Hanging Leg Raises - 3x12


*Super Yoke Walks - 760lbs


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