Had low expectations today because I took a week off and my body is still in a little pain. Could be hesitation around lifting heavy and straining that can cause more pelvic pain.

Warm up: shoulder mobility work

Benched raw up to 135lbs

Added two board at 145 x 3, 155 x 3, 165 x 3, 175 x 3, 185 x 3, 195 3 x 3

  • close grip bench 135lbs 2 x10
  • Rolling tricep ext x rope cable pushdowns 3 x 10/15 (last set of pushdowns - drop set until failure)
  • Dead stop barbells rows 4 x 8 - 95lbs
  • Plate raises (25lb bumper plate) 4 x 10
  • Stiff arm pushdowns x trcicep overhand pushdowns 3 x 12/10
  • Fatbell side laterals x front raises 3 x 20/20 - 8lbs
  • Fatbell shoulder presses (push press up with 3 sec eccentric)3 x 10
  • Bicep DB curls 3 x 12

No videos today unfortunately. I am emphasizing my lockout with bench and all accessory movements. Pausing at the top, flexing my triceps, and externally rotating hard. It makes the high reps and drop sets brutal.