I make fun of the old man [Goggins] all the time. And this is no different when it comes to programmed numbers that force me to put 10s. 5s, and 2.5s. I know everything is strategic, but if it's a good day, why not? I've been working with Goggins for close to a year and I've made huge strides. But like the old man, some things I'm hard headed with. Today was one of them and decided to just work up to a plate. 140 was the working weight programmed.

Bench barx10, 95x8, 130x5, 145x4-6x4sets, Floor press pause closer grip 135x3x4sets, Front raises plate or dbs 4x10-12, Db tricep exts 8x8 15sec rest, rope push downs 3x12-15, Band pull parts 3x25, Band Rotator cuff cleans 3x15


rope pushdowns
