March 26, Bench barx10, 95x8, 125x5, 140x3, 155x4-5x4sets, Floor press pause closer grip 140x3x4sets, Front raises plate or dbs 4x10-12, Db tricep exts 8x8 15sec rest, rope push downs 3x12-15, Band pull parts 3x25, Rotator cuff cleans 3x15


experiencing some major shoulder pain today. Reported back to Goggins and explained that taking a week off bench and doing dumbbell work will probably be best. I haven’t failed in the gym in awhile and I’m programmed numbers that are easy, even on a bad day. This hurt my confidence because my technique is going to shit. I’m ways away from the meet. I’m hoping to get back on track soon. Keep on keepin on.