I struggle with the idea of "bench" day. I'm an overhead sort of girl. While I do bench and value it immensely, I am just partial to even just the title of Overhead or Press Day. I continue to plug away with getting in work when I can. Swear to God, I truly hope life slows down and I can get back to training.

Foam Rolling
Active Flexibility/Mobility
Muscle Activation Techniques
Dynamic Movement Training

Med ball Work
Jumping chest pass: 2 x 5
Rotational Slams: 2 x 5
Shot Put: 2 x 5

Bench Press
3 Second Pauses, 95 x 5
Warmups (no pause)
135 x 5
165 x 3
185 x 3
Worksets: (paused) at 185x6x3

DB Rows: 4x10
DB Incline French Press: 3x8
DB Hammer Curl: 3x8