I'm currently training for the 21 deadlift salute at the Arnold Classic in March. Last year I weighted in at 214 and pulled 777 to with the men's lightweight division. This year I plan to actually have to cut a few lbs and pull 800+.

My pec has been giving me some issues so I haven't been really pushing my bench and on my upper body days I've been doing a ton of back work.

Bench Press - close grip, 2 board
275x10 x 2 sets

My pec was feeling pretty tight, so I didn't go any heavier. I tried to take minimal rest and help my training partners out as much as possible.

Weighted pullups - 25 lb plate. I used a wide neutral grip and tried to take minimal rest between sets.
1 set x 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
By the time I got to 6 I was fried and could feel the blood pooling in my lats. I took a 2 minute break and finished the rest of the sets with 30 seconds or so between sets.

Seated Cable Rows 5x20 to finish my back off.

The next day my lats were so sore from this.