A movement that I've found has always carried over well to my bench has been the JM Press. When my raw bench was around 375, I'm confident doing JM presses regularly was a big part of what took it over 400lbs for the first time. With the importance of lockout for equipped bench, these are a great movement that carries over to a shirted bench as well. I've done a few different JM Press variations, but doing them on the floor with chains has been a nice way to isolate the triceps without putting too much pressure on the shoulders:


These work really well as a supplemental movement following max effort or speed bench, in the 5-8 rep range, but can also be done for high-rep sets as well. The chains help to deload at the part of the movement where you'd normally have the most pressure on the elbows and shoulders. Give it a try!

For a detailed explanation on how to do the JM Press, here's a great video by Dave Tate:


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