Flew solo tonight. I was feeling tired and crappy due to a cold and almost bailed on the workout. I remembered though how many goals I missed this year and got my head out of my butt.
Bench. Thumbs out grip, paused with feet up
135 for 8
225 for 8
315 for 5
405 for 5
elitefts Swiss press bar strict overhead press
bar for 10
135 for 10
185 for 18
incline fly
2 sets of 10 with 35s and longest stretch I could.
Bb ext with 3 second pauses in 3 spots
135 for 2 sets of 8. These were fun. I paused at bottom, mid, and 3/4 rep.
Elitefts Swiss press bar front raise
2 sets of 15 with bar
i dragged myself through this one but it's done.