My training will be all over the place for the next few weeks. Need to get a schedule going and figure out where and when I will be training. A meet has not been picked yet, but I'm happy to be back at it. Today, we're floor pressing on the fat pad against chains.
Using the fat bar (60lb bar) against 40lbs of chains
170lbs (@ the top) for 5 x 5
Incline Presses: 95lbs x 10, 115lbs x 8 (2 rep assistance), went back down to 95lbs x 10
Pec deck 3 x 10 (for da pump)
KB skull crushers 4 x 10
Uni-cable tricep push downs 4 x 10 each
Thank you Donnie for having us! Casey and I will definitely be back to visit. By the looks of it, you guys seem to really enjoy each others company.